Thursday, September 18, 2014

Domestic Violence against Children

Gabriela De La Fuente
Englsih II
September 18, 2014
Domestic Violence against Children
Children domestic violence is such a cruel thing. Why would anyone want to hurt his or her own children physically or emotionally? I have two siblings, a younger sister and brother. My sister is 18 years old and my brother is 12 years old. We were never raised around violence in the household. Yes my parents would discipline us but it was never to the point where it came off as abusing. We were also a foster family; we would take care of children that were taken from their parents for personal reasons. One of the children we got was 3 and 5 years old. Their parents would abuse them physically and emotionally. They would hit them for no reason or when their father had alcohol in their system. Their mother would tell them things that would hurt their feelings and the oldest was starting to believe them.  We would have trouble convincing her that those things her mother would tell her aren’t true. The kids were traumatized and it took awhile for them to get out of their household habits. 
In a article, The Effects Of DV On Children, it states that “ Children exposed to family violence are more likely to develop social, emotional, psychological and or behavioral problems than those who are not.” I personally think that if your young child sees domestic violence at home, they can grow up thinking it is okay to do it.  That can be a problem in the future.   We just need to give children love and care.

ACADV. N.p., 2000. Web. 18 Sept. 2014. < 

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