Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Women Domestic Violence

Gabriela De La Fuente
English II
September 16, 2014
Women Domestic Violence

In the article, Domestic Violence against Women and Children by Daniel H. Swerdlow-Freed, Ph.D, he states that 10% of American women are victims of domestic Violence. There is a lot of reason why domestic violence is caused. The spouse being upset with his wife is one reason, other reasons are being jealous, controlling, or dominate. According to Swerdolow, researchers shown are at risk of being battered by their abusive parent.
 In another article, “What Causes Domestic Violence” by Toby D. Goldsmith, I have read that the abusers learned from their family or people in their community. They could have been a victim themselves or just being around bad influence. Alcohol could be part of the domestic violence because you are not in control when being drunk.  It can really affect their children as they grow. Children that witness this kind of violence or are part of it can start believing it is a way to resolve a conflict between people, so they start to do it to others. It can be a past being repeated when they decide to start their own family.  In the article it states, “Some men with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control women, and that women aren’t equal to men.”  I disagree with that because women are handworkers just as a man can be. It doesn’t give the right for man to control a woman just because she is his wife. We are all equal and women domestic violence should not exist.

Goldsmith, T. (2006). What Causes Domestic Violence?. Psych Central. Retrieved on September 18, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/lib/what-causes-domestic-violence/000344

Swerdlow-Freed, Daniel H. "Domestic Violence against Women and Children." 
     Swerdlow-Freed Psychology. Swerdlow-Freed, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2014. 

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