Thursday, November 13, 2014

Domestic Violence Against Women: Maria

Gabriela De La Fuente
English 1302
13 November 2014

Maria’s Story
            In the article I read, Maria’s Story, Maria shared her relationships that she has been in. Maria was in two emotionally and physically abusive relationships. Her first relationship was when she was 15 years old and having family problems. So she was desperate for love. Why didn’t she say something when she saw the first sign that her boyfriend was abusive? Maria was scared and “[her] intuition was silenced by the hunger for love [she] had” (Maria’s Story). It wasn’t till later on when she started to realize that she was suffering more than she can imagine. Her boyfriend would cuss at her and call her inappropriate names when he wouldn’t get his way. Always bringing her down. The relationship kept getting worse, Maria’s boyfriend started to abuse her physically. She would blame herself for his actions. Faith was the only thing that kept her from giving up. She finally ended that relationship. Later on in time she met a guy on dating website.
            Right from the start Maria noticed how her second boyfriend was. How he would compare her to his female best friend that he wanted but couldn’t have. They would always have problems due that reason but Maria wouldn’t let go. “This all sounds pretty terrible but I considered him a weakling, an unloved child who needs a mother”, Maria tried to help but she would never was able to be good enough for him (Maria’s Story). Maria made a friend and that friend helped her to get out of the relationship.

            It is always good to have at least one good close friend to vent too and be there for you when you need someone. It is not healthy to keep so much pain and words left unsaid inside, especially if you are going to an abusive relationship. When you see the first signs that you are in unhealthy relationship, it is best to get out of it before it is to late.

Works Cited

Maria. "Maria's Story." DVRCV. DVRCV, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. <>.

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